
Learn more about the Engaged & Public Humanities (ENPH) master’s program curriculum and discover sample plans of study to complete the program full time or at your own pace as a part-time student.

students in class, having a discussion


Detailed information about each course, the electives, internships and the capstone project help you understand the progression through our master’s program.

Learn About Courses
Malik is being tutored by Christina, a tutor in the DC Reads program, at Neval Thomas Elementary


Students in Engaged & Public Humanities complete a variety of internships in arts and humanities organizations.

Explore Student Internships
sample plan of study for a full-time student with internship

Plans of Study

Review sample plans of study as you complete either a public humanities report or internship to complete the Master of Arts degree, which can be completed on the full-time track in two semesters, plus one summer, OR the part-time track in four semesters, plus two summers.

Discover Plans of Study