Grants and Fellowships

Cosmos Scholars Grant Program

Award Snapshot

Maximum award amount: $5,000
Open to: Applicants must be enrolled, on a full-time or part-time basis, in a program leading to a graduate degree (Masters or Doctoral) at one of the local institutions listed below. United States citizenship is not required
Expected output: Objective scholarly research rather than commercial or political activity, social activism, or other non-academic goals
Deadline: November 1, 2022
Expected notification date: No later than the 1st of February, 2023


The program provides grants to meet specific research needs not covered by other supporting funds, including, but not limited to, special supplies, travel, and unanticipated expenses that would enhance the work. Specifically excluded are general financial support, tuition, and living expenses (except in connection with supported travel.)


The major criterion for selection is the excellence of the research proposal. No specific format or organization is required. The proposal should include a research question (hypothesis) and clearly explain how it will be tested or investigated. It is important to describe how and when the research will be performed, and why the results will be important or useful. Our preference is for topics not anticipated when the overall research program was proposed and therefore not covered by support originally planned.

It is essential to make the project description understandable to scholars in other fields, while retaining enough detail to satisfy a specialist in the field of the proposal. Please also explain how the research plan will be adjusted depending on the coronavirus and its impact on laboratory work, travel, access to archives, or other aspects of the application.

  • The proposal narrative must not exceed one page.
  • The CV is to be limited to one page.
  • The budget should be presented in the online application form, not in the narrative.
  • Do not include requests for support for work to be conducted prior to the announced date of awards.
  • Funding requests for general financial support, tuition, living expenses, or personal professional education will not be granted.
  • Funds will not be provided to support remuneration to participants in studies or stipends for research assistants.
  • If the research project is a team effort, the proposer’s role and level of individual participation must be clearly described.
  • Grants are made directly to individual students, not to the students’ institutions.


Grants will not exceed $5,000. Every research proposal must include (in the space provided on the application form) a brief budget statement that lists clearly the funds requested and explains how the money will be allocated. The budget must also state what other support has been sought or received for the work proposed.

Items of equipment and special supplies are eligible, but the equipment should be expendable. Items that the institution ought to provide or that graduate students can be expected to own are not eligible. Items and services that will outlive the project are not considered expendable and are generally not eligible.

Travel for field research or to research facilities to consult documents or to study artifacts in situ or to conduct cultural exploration is generally eligible. Travel to consult with an expert practitioner may be considered.

Application Procedure

The entire 2022-23 application must be submitted online. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 12 midnight Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Access the online application.

Questions and other messages may be sent by email to

Conditions of Award

Cosmos Scholars are expected to provide a summary report of the results of the project in support of which they have received awards, and to indicate how the award contributed to the project. This report is expected within one year of the date of the award, and the Foundation may post the report on its web site. Approximately one year after receipt of their grant, grantees are invited to present the results of their research at an event hosted at the Club by the Foundation. Publications resulting from supported research must acknowledge the Cosmos Club Foundation’s support.

Read more about the Cosmos Scholars Grant Program.